Acadian® contains a complex mix of synergistic bioactive compounds that allow crops to reach their full yield potential. It improves crop quality and productivity by enhancing root growth, improving overall plant nutrition and bolstering tolerance to challenging growing conditions.
Acadian gives your crop strong early growth, good nutrition and the ability to tolerate even the most challenging growing conditions. In addition, it works at a cellular level by improving the nutritional status of your crop, leading to higher yields.
Acadian contains natural complexing sugars which bind to micronutrients, thereby improving the bioavailability and translocation of nutrients within the plant.
Don’t let stress decrease your set! Stress threatens your crops with poor quality and lower yields. Acadian helps your crop better resist common stressors such as summer heat and drought by improving trees’ tolerance to tough growing conditions – resulting in less fruit drop and large fruit.
With its numerous bioactive compounds such as mannitol, unique polysaccharides and betaines, Acadian improves trees’ tolerance to a variety of stressful growing conditions including drought, heat, chill and salinity stress.
Acadian-treated citrus trees had a less negative stem water potential, indicating improved water status and resistance to drought stress.
Step up your citrus yields with optimum nutritional uptake and stress management. You’ll see faster growth, greater yields and better quality fruit.