Stimplex® is a unique biostimulant that fuels the growth and development of healthy plants. Stimplex works at a cellular level by improving the production of naturally occurring plant hormones that stimulate stress resistance, improve root growth and maximize nutrient uptake. This all leads to enhanced yield for a greater return on investment.
Stimplex helps your trees establish well and grow stronger from the start. Give them the ability to tolerate what Mother Nature dishes out for your best yields ever!
Build your citrus roots early and keep them strong! Early applications of Stimplex at planting and during establishment get newly planted citrus off to a strong and healthy start. Maximizing crop yield and quality begins with a healthy root system. Stimplex contains unique bioactive compounds such as fucose-rich sulphated polysaccharides and alginates which stimulate root initiation and enhance the formation of small absorptive roots. This leads to improved plant establishment and uptake of water and nutrients.
Stimplex ramps up your nutritional program by improving crops’ nutrient uptake, driving great growth from the start and letting them take up more key nutrients such as nitrogen and calcium. When you apply Stimplex as part of your regular application program, you’re putting nutrients on the fast track and ensuring your trees get the most out of every ounce of fertilizer. Plants with healthier root systems can absorb more water and nutrients from the soil, resulting in a stronger, more productive crop. Stimplex contains natural complexing sugars which bind to micronutrients, thereby improving the bioavailability and transport of nutrients within the plant.
Don’t let stress steal your fruit! Stress threatens crop quality with poor establishment and increased pest and disease susceptibility. Stimplex helps your crop better resist common stressors by improving trees’ tolerance to tough growing conditions. With its numerous bioactive compounds such as mannitol, unique polysaccharides and betaines, Stimplex improves a plant’s tolerance to a variety of stressful growing conditions including drought, chill, heat and salinity stress.
Step up your citrus yields with optimum nutritional uptake and stress management. You’ll see the results in faster growth, greater yields and better quality fruit.