Acadian® is a unique technology containing a complex mix of synergistic bioactive compounds that allows crops to reach their full yield potential. Acadian enhances crop quality and productivity by enhancing root growth, improving nutritional health and bolstering tolerance to challenging growing conditions.
Acadian maximizes your fertility program, gives your crop strong early growth and the ability to tolerate even the most challenging growing conditions.
Using Acadian on young lettuce gets your crop off to a strong and healthy start. Maximizing crop yield and quality begins with a healthy root system. Acadian contains unique bioactive compounds such as fucose-rich sulphated polysaccharides and alginates which increase root initiation and enhance the formation of small absorptive roots. This leads to improved plant establishment and more efficient uptake of water and nutrients.
Don’t sacrifice crop quality because of weak root systems, tip burn, poor growth and reduced vigor that come with environmental stresses. Make Acadian part of your program, and give your plants the advantage of better stress tolerance. With its numerous bioactive compounds such as mannitol, unique polysaccharides and betaines, Acadian improves plants’ tolerance to a variety of stressful growing conditions including drought, heat, chill and salinity stress.
Acadian enhances your nutritional program by improving your crops’ nutrient uptake. It contains natural complexing sugars which bind to micronutrients, thereby improving the bioavailability and transport of nutrients within the plant. Acadian allows you to get the most out of your fertility program by fast-tracking available nutrients into the plants, ensuring your crops get the most out of every ounce of fertilizer.
Leave it to Acadian to maximize yields – Acadian gives your crops the power to resist even the toughest environmental stresses and make the most of every fertilizer ounce you feed.