AscoStar promotes vegetative growth and protects plants against abiotic stress such as heat, drought, chill, and salinity. Whether you need to prepare perennial crops for next season’s growth or are hoping to encourage the establishment of new transplants, AscoStar is up to the task. By increasing chlorophyll production within the plant, this powerful powder biostimulant improves photosynthesis for greater plant productivity. Flexible for the user, the concentrated formulation allows use in small amounts for conventional or organic production.
Biostimulants such as AscoStar help obtain high yields of quality by encouraging the production of the enzymes required for crop success.
For optimal application and crop-specific usage rates and timings, please refer to the label.
AscoStar is water soluble and is suitable for use in liquid, foliar, soil applied, irrigation, and fertigation applications. AscoStar is compatible with most fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides. Some pH adjustments may be required with acidic mixtures. Add surfactants after the product has completely dissolved in the tank solution. When mixing with calcium products, thoroughly mix AscoStar with the water in the tank prior to adding the calcium product. If the interaction of chemicals is unknown, a “jar” compatibility test is recommended.
Foliar Applications: Use enough water for good spray coverage. The foliar spray should be applied as a fine mist, with low fluid velocity until the foliage is wet. Do not foliar apply during times of moisture or heat stress. For best results, apply during the cool part of the day or when temperatures are below 85°F (29°C). Do not spray just before or after rainfall or sprinkler irrigation. Use a mild rate of surfactant for maximum dispersal and leaf adherence.
Soil applications: Soil-applied treatments can be made by mixing with soil-applied fertility, directed sprays to the soil, side-dress treatments, applications through irrigation systems, or other effective methods. When making irrigation treatments, dilute 1 pound of AscoStar with a minimum of 1 gallon of clean water before adding to the supply tank. Continuous agitation of the supply tank is recommended. AscoStar™ can be applied through drip, microjet, sprinkle, overhead, furrow, and other types of irrigation at the suggested rates. For micro sprinkler, solid set or drip irrigation, apply after the system is fully pressurized. Inject to ensure uniform coverage, then follow with clean water to clear the system of all product residue. Avoid heavy irrigation following application as that could leach material beyond the root system of the crop.
Rooting/Transplant Solution: To encourage the establishment of new transplants, treat roots with a solution of AscoStar™ at the rate of 2.5 to 7.5 dry ounces per 20 gallons of water prior to transplanting.
Post-Harvest Application: AscoStar™ is an excellent way to prepare perennial crops for next season’s growth. Apply to the soil or foliar using the above methods.